Christian Fiction Literary Agents – This page is specifically for Christian fiction authors seeking literary representation. Below you’ll find literary agents actively looking for novels and other fiction genres in the Christian publishing market. Discover how to connect with the right literary professional to bring your inspirational stories to readers around the world.
What Makes a Literary Agent Ideal for Christian Fiction?
Christian fiction literary agents offer expertise tailored to authors writing novels with spiritual or faith-based themes. Unlike general literary agents, those specializing in Christian fiction understand genre conventions, narrative structures, and the unique expectations of readers who enjoy inspirational storytelling. These agents also have strong relationships with leading fiction publishers like Bethany House and Thomas Nelson, ensuring your manuscript reaches the right editors. Additionally, they expertly guide authors through manuscript development, revision, and submission processes, significantly enhancing the chances of publication.
Popular Genres Represented by Christian Fiction Literary Agents
- Inspirational Contemporary Fiction
- Christian Romance and Historical Romance
- Amish Fiction
- Christian Historical Fiction
- Christian Mystery and Suspense
- Christian Fantasy and Speculative Fiction
- Biblical Fiction
- Young Adult Christian Fiction
- Middle-Grade and YA Christian Fiction
List of Christian Fiction Literary Agents
Below is a sample curated list of literary agents actively seeking Christian fiction manuscripts:
Dan Balow
The Steve Laube Agency
Genres of Interest: Christian Historical Fiction, Inspirational Contemporary Fiction, Christian Fantasy
Submission Status: Currently Accepting
Seeking: Actively interested in fresh voices writing compelling historical narratives and innovative speculative fiction.
Rachelle Gardner
Gardner Literary Agency
Genres of Interest: Inspirational Fiction, Christian Romance, Women’s Fiction
Submission Status: Currently Accepting
Seeking: Particularly drawn to women’s fiction that addresses contemporary issues with strong faith elements.
Cynthia Ruchti
Books & Such Literary Agency
Genres of Interest: Amish Fiction, Inspirational Contemporary Fiction, Christian Historical Fiction
Submission Status: Currently Accepting
Seeking: Eager for manuscripts featuring authentic emotional depth and unique cultural insights.
Featured Christian Fiction Literary Agents
Steve Laube (The Steve Laube Agency)
- Genres: Inspirational Contemporary Fiction, Speculative Fiction, Biblical Fiction
- Notable Success: Represented bestselling authors such as Jerry B. Jenkins, known for the “Left Behind” series.
Tamela Hancock Murray (The Steve Laube Agency)
- Genres: Christian Romance, Inspirational Historical Fiction, Amish Fiction
- Notable Success: Regularly places authors with leading publishers, including Bethany House and Zondervan.
Janet Kobobel Grant (Books & Such Literary Agency)
- Genres: Inspirational Fiction, Women’s Fiction
- Notable Success: Known for nurturing debut authors who become notable voices in the Christian fiction community.
How to Prepare Your Christian Fiction Manuscript for Submission
Ensure your Christian fiction manuscript is complete before querying agents, as most require a finished work for fiction submissions. Clearly identify your genre and target audience within your query letter. Follow common formatting guidelines preferred by Christian fiction literary agents, including a concise query letter, brief synopsis (typically one page), and standardized manuscript formatting (double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font).
For detailed submission guidelines, visit our internal guide on preparing Christian fiction submissions.
Query Letter Tips Specifically for Christian Fiction Writers
When crafting your query letter for a Christian fiction agent, succinctly highlight the spiritual themes and messages of your novel. Clearly specify your book’s subgenre and include comparisons to popular Christian authors, such as Francine Rivers, Karen Kingsbury, or Frank Peretti, to demonstrate market awareness. Align your query directly with the agent’s stated genre interests, increasing your chances of capturing their attention quickly.
Common Mistakes Christian Fiction Writers Make When Querying
Avoid these frequent pitfalls to improve your chances of representation:
- Not clearly identifying your manuscript’s genre or intended audience.
- Using overly preachy or didactic language instead of subtle, inspirational storytelling.
- Misunderstanding “Christian fiction” as limited only to explicitly evangelical content.
- Failing to adhere strictly to submission guidelines provided by literary agents.
- Not demonstrating a clear familiarity with the Christian fiction market and comparable authors.
Resources Specifically for Christian Fiction Writers
Enhance your skills and connections with these valuable resources:
- American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) Conference
- Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference
- Faith, Hope & Love Chapter of Romance Writers of America (
- Recommended reading: “Writing the Christian Romance” by Gail Gaymer Martin, available at Amazon
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Stay informed about the latest opportunities and changes within the Christian fiction market. Subscribe here for exclusive updates on literary agents, and industry trends. Your Christian fiction story deserves to find the right agent who shares your vision. With dedication and a targeted approach, your writing can touch readers’ hearts and inspire faith through the power of storytelling. Begin your publishing journey today, knowing your stories can genuinely impact readers’ lives.